A new day, a new project

So I’ve been mulling over this issue for a long time. As the self-appointed family archivist, I’ve assembled the collection of artifacts, images and articles but have never settled on a way of handling them. It’s an issue I’ve pondered over for a long, long time. Such a long time in fact that the contents of the loft are thinking of falling through the floor, or tumbling down the steps.

Putting some serious attention into this blog however has focussed the mind and gradually, during wide awake moments at night, and in the time gifted me by Boris the Buffoon, I have crafted a strategy and a plan; an approach to follow that will gradually reduce the amount of stuff whilst preserving what is important – our family legacy.

I have to admit the initial thought came in a completely different way. Almost a separate project; but I don’t need that at the moment. That idea was sparked by a conversation I had with Jenny about the shops around her house as she was growing-up which in itself had been initiated by the series “The Corner Shop” on TV. If you haven’t seen it – you should. It goes alongside the series on the life of a house in Newcastle through the ages “A house through time” as brilliant pieces of social history that chart how we came to be where we are today. Anyway, I did some initial thinking – old photos and maps of Prince Consort Road – getting Jen’s thoughts down in an interview, etc. However this was just starting something new up without resolving the essential problem – what is the best way to archive stuff?

So focus your thoughts! It has to be digital. It has to be in a format that can itself go off net if technology moves on. It has to be reproducible. In other words it has to be future-proofed as much as possible, or at least in a format that could be migrated.

So we arrive back here, on this blog. I could port it on to a separate machine – if necessary. It’s a technology I know which is so well-known it will always have an army of support, and will always have an exit-strategy. It’s evolving to be able to handle new technologies and become more user-friendly. [I’m writing this on my iPad using the new Gutenberg editor.] It’s a technology I don’t have to learn!!!

So over the days, months, years ahead you can expect the following. All the archive material currently stored on my Google drive will move slowly through Lightroom, where it will be properly catalogued and restored if necessary, onto a separate hard disk and that which is of real interest moved onto this blog. I’ve already started to use some of the Plugins which I use on my Photography blog here, and this will continue. The emphasis must now be on the content, not the technology. The scanner will get red-hot and feed images into Lightroom where it will follow the same route as previously scanned material.

I will create galleries of “moments”, and I encourage you to do the same – I’ll show you how. I will try and write more “stories” about our family, starting with our mums and dads, and then onto our grandparents, and hopefully Jane, Jen, Di and Roy can chip in as well.

I hope one or more of you would want to carry this work on. Remembering the past becomes both more important, and yet more difficult as you get older … unless your name is Jenny. Her memory is incredible.

That’s the plan. This place is our place. I want to make it an important place for us all, a real family affair.



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5 responses to “A new day, a new project”

  1. Gail Groom Avatar
    Gail Groom

    Hi dad , totally agree with your thinking here but would like to suggest that alongside the photos and your writing about memories ( collected from mum and others) you work out a way of uploading mums own verbal recollections as her voice . I think her way of remembering and retelling our shared history allows more access to emotion , whereas the text without voice can be quite emotionally cold ( well it is when you or I write it, ruth and mum would probably manage this ) . Mum might be surprised to hear I value this so much as often we might all say ‘I’ve heard this before’ . Truth is , we both know until she starts recalling the memory we haven’t got a clue !! The emotion her retelling stories elicits depends totally on the context of when she is retelling it – so To my mind this is the perfect context to hold this valuable information. I know when Louise died with her went so much of our shared history , because I never wrote down the memories she shared with me . I’m ok with this – one has to balance how much time one spends cataloguing vs being and living , but would like to download some of mums brain here when it’s possible .

    How you do this is tricky , I guess mum will have ideas as you look at photos together ? Or you’d have to have your voice memo on all the time . I can imagine this being tricky !!

    I would be happy to take over as custodian along with interested others – it’s a kind of modern scrap book I think .

    I have a few ideas to propose to my siblings – one is inspired by music playlists and gigs as we grew up . It’s been wonderful revisiting these over recent weeks . Thanks peter .

    Thanks dad xxx

    1. GeeCee Avatar

      Thanks Gail, it had always been in my mind to record conversations rather than try and write them down, I agree with you.

      Thanks also for offering to be a custodian; I’m sure you’d be pleased to have support, and of course the Hacks (apart from Jane) aren’t aware of the changes to the site really, apart from the message sent in error a couple of weeks back. I’d always thought you might want to be involved, Gail and I’ll keep you informed of my thinking as I progress. Any ideas from you, or anyone else, would be welcome. One idea that’s just sprung into my mind is a regular (or as regular we can make it in busy lives) photo spot – “Remember this day?”. Thatmight work quite well and would help build up the archive too.

  2. Pete Avatar

    Hello dad (and Gail), where are you hosting the site dad?

    I agree that future-proofing this is an important way to go but it will be hard I think. Who knows how things may pan out in the future. WordPress is a decent platform but you’ll need to keep checking on this over time dad to make sure that it has a roadmap or at least a plan to be community supported (e.g. WordPress.org over WordPress.com).

    On the custodian side of things…Gail…you will need to learn some WordPress and also the hosting side if this is to live on post dad/mum.

    Also, dad think about the structure of the information architecture of the site from a future perspective as well and maybe draft some rules up so that it doesn’t get out of control (e.g. when does a topic get archived and moved to an area).

    I agree with Gail’s idea about hearing mum’s voice (and yours). That would be a nice thing to hear in the future. A mum poetry corner would also be cool.

    Good initiative dad. Good effort.


    1. GeeCee Avatar

      Thanks Pete, your supportive comments are most welcome. I’ll try and answer your questions. The most important issues will also be covered in a new page on the site for Documentation.

      Hosting. The site is hosted at TSOHost which took-over the original hosting company that I used (as did Martin) called 5quidhost. This has had a hugely beneficial outcome because I entered into an Everlasting Contract with them which means that I have Unlimited hosting and storage for about £100 per year. I host a lot of sites at TSOHost, as well as a separate hosting contract for mlt.photography (for performance reasons). TSOHost were acquired by the Paragon Internet Group, which is part of HEG (Host Europe Group) which is in itself owned by GoDaddy. So I feel it’s in a reasonably safe hosted company. TSOHost focus on small-business self-hosted packages using cPanel and Cloud hosting approaches. They provide both Domain Registry and Hosting for all my sites. I would strongly urge you to maintain the contract(s) with TSOHost for Hosting – they are very competitive and if any of you want a hosted website I can provide it for free.

      As a self-hosted site, the site uses WordPress.org, NOT WordPress.com. This means that I can port the site to a standalone server, which is what I intend to do – when I get my monitor back from Ross. That will then be maintained as a development / backup site that can generate separate sites to be ported to any Linux machine running LAMP.

      Gail has some experience of using WordPress.com and Martin of WordPress.org. I will spend some time with Gail showing her how to be an Editor of the site. I have re-instated you as an Administrator. Passwords etc. are kept in LastPass.

      Your comments about Information Architecture are very salient. I’ve experienced the death of Picasa, Google+, 500px, amongst others and the principal design criteria is to host everything on the website. I’ve installed Plugins to make that easier. It’s also necessary to have a local file storage system that works in partnership with the web storage so to that end I’ve rebuilt my local storage on to an external Hard Disk Drive (cf. my photography) that Lightroom, Family Tree Maker 2019 and Ancestry will link to. All images will be stored in a Family History Lightroom catalog and be sync’d up to the website using a Plugin that I’ve been using for a number of years and for which I have a lifetime licence. [NB All the Plugins will be explained on the Documentation page.]

      I don’t have any plans for Archiving any Topics. I have no space limitation.

      We’ll have to see about recording voices. It would be nice to think we could do that. Somewhere I have a recording of my mother speaking about her childhood but I can’t find it at the moment. As for poetry, mum has her own website and I’m working on her to publish to it privately at first and even if only in fragments that she can edit online. Any additional support in supporting this way of working would be appreciated. I may just upload all I can find and let her look at it and edit it from there, but I’d prefer for her to do it herself. I’ve even created a Post by Email method so she doesn’t have to learn any WordPress initially.

      That brings me to WordPress and editing content. The site has been setup to use the new Gutenberg editor by default. It’s a much easier editor to learn and the learning curve should be quick. I’ll put some links up in the Help section as soon as I can.

      Finally, I’ve not touched much upon the Chat (now My Social) part of the site. Yesterday I finally worked out how to get meaningful Menu links to Activities, Notifications, Messaging, etc. I hope you can all see a use for it. I will plod on putting some old family photos gleaned from Google+ up and inviting you to comment, but some of you might like to try and create your own Groups and Invite family members to join them.

      Sorry for length of this, but I felt it worthwhile to further expand on my thoughts since you had asked.

      1. GeeCee Avatar

        Some further tweaks. I found a gap in the security model that would allow anyone knowing a Page URL to sneak through. Now sorted with a re-direct back to the Login page. I’m also going to hide the Black Admin bar at the top of the screen for all users apart from administrators (Pete and me), as this will increase the amount of screen space on a mobile device.

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